About Us
Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society was formed in spring 2002.
The founders were anglers, birdwatchers, conservationists, biologists
and concerned local residents. It unites a group of individuals who
are concerned about the increasing amount of garbage being left along
the Chilliwack/Vedder River.
The society has two major objectives:
- By using an "Adopt a River" model, to organize groups
and individual volunteers who wish to clean up the river.
- To educate the public on the value of the river and the need to
keep it clean.
The society has accomplished the following:
- Since 2002, CVRCS has hosted over 51
clean-ups, including 23
World Rivers Day celebrations.
- Over 6,692 volunteers have participated and each clean-up is
four hours long, resulting in around 26,768 hours of volunteer work!
- Currently there are 25 groups involved in the
Adopt-a-River program.
- Since 2002, over 129.32 tonnes of garbage have been removed from
the Chilliwack Vedder River riparian areas.
These are the currently active directors of the CVRCS.

David Ardill

Dave Barnes

Laura Vanderhoek
Founding Members
Thanks to our founding members for their vision, commitment, and years of service
keeping the Chilliwack River Valley beautiful.

Terry Bodman

Lew Chater

Gerry Dickey

Chris Gadsden (Fraser Valley Salmon Society)

Rodney Hsu

Don Langford

Jack Short
The Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society would like to recognize and
thank the following sponsors who have been supporting our projects tremendousl.
We can always use more support! Funding is limited for our volunteer events, we
always need sponsors to donate garbage bags, gloves, pick-up tools, usage of dumpster
bins, refreshment for volunteers, etc. If you would like to become a sponsor of
Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society, please contact us with your proposal.
Contact Us
You can send your concerns, questions and ideas to us by email.